Wednesday, 18 January 2012


I wanna keep it sweet and short SO Michelle Madow as you all know or if you dont is the Author of Rememberance which is a book about reincarnation -love story ,she is hosting a project tell taylor giveaway which in order to enter you must sign up to HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE across so that Taylor can see it and recognise the book. In order for that to happen we need to get taylors attention as the book was inspired by her hit song LOVE STORY.
A lot of things inspire me for one never let anyone get you down and inspire yourself!!!
Here is the link back to the PROJECT TELL TAYLOR BLOG
Thanx for reading


  1. Hi! Thanks for following my blog, I'm following you back! I LOVE Taylor Swift so much! She's so inspiring and if you remember the name of my blog (***Singing and Reading in the Rain***) I think it'll be easy to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and who's my role model, judging from my profile picture! ;)

  2. HI thnx so much for the follow back
    yh I remember your blog I thought it was relly creative.
    I hope my blog can look like that one day *
    thnx again soo much for the follow
